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Price is what you pay, Value is what you get.
Warren Buffett

Eventually everything trades at its fair value...
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Grufity's Fair Value Picks Have Outperformed S&P500 for Three Years in a row

Grufity's Fair Value model takes all the S&P 500 stocks and divides them into separate buckets based on their attractiveness. The S&P 500 stocks put in the 'Very Cheap' bucket by the model have greatly outperformed the overall S&P 500 Index. Conversely, S&P500 stocks considered 'Very Expensive' by the model significantly underperformed the S&P500 index in the past three years. This shows the power of the model's valuation ability.

Returns of $10,000 invested in:

Very Cheap Stocks: $17,289
S&P 500 Index: $12,922
Very Expensive Stocks: $11,022

Grufity's Fair Value model does a great job in separating High Performing Stocks from Low Performing ones in the S&P 500 list.

S&P 500 Index
Very Expensive Stocks
Very Cheap Stocks

Stocks Marked 'Very Cheap' by Grufity's Fair Value Model Have Easily Outperformed Russell 2000 Index

Grufity's Fair Value Picks have solidly outperformed Russell 2000 for Three Years in a row
2021Alpha over Russell 2000: 47.5%
0050100Returns (%)
2022Alpha over Russell 2000: 18.1%
0−40−200Returns (%)
2023Alpha over Russell 2000: 24.7%
002040Returns (%)
Grufity's Fair Value Model distributes stocks into Very Cheap, Cheap, Fair, Expensive and Very Expensice Buckets.

Grufity's Fair Value Model Really Shines in Mid Caps and Small Caps

Small Caps and Mid Caps are mostly overlooked by investors as all the focus goes to Magnificent 7. These stocks are not part of the market's beauty contest and require a deeper look. Grufity's Fair Value Model opens up this universe of Mid-Caps, Small-Caps and Micro-Caps for investments as it separates high-performing, rewarding stocks from the low-performing, risky ones. Russell 2000 stocks that were marked 'Very Cheap' by the model doubled in three years while the index was flat.

Returns of $10,000 invested in:

Very Cheap Stocks: $21,859
Russell 2000 Index: $10,334
Very Expensive Stocks: $8,224

Russell 2000 stocks considered 'Very Cheap' by the model greatly outperformed Russell 2000 index and the 'Very Expensive' bucket over past three years.

S&P 500 Index
Very Expensive Stocks
Very Cheap Stocks
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Profitability Metrics - ROE, Return-On-Assets etc.

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Hundreds of time series per stock such as Revenue (Trailing 12 Months), Income Growth, Assets Growth etc.

Alerts on Stocks and macro movements

Alerts are activated on every stock on unusual activities such as -
High insider trading activity

Big loss in Income or a dip in revenue

Unusual interest from funds

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