
Latest WADE G W & INC Stock Portfolio

About WADE G W & INC and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, WADE G W & INC reported an equity portfolio of $3.1 Billions as of 31 Dec, 2023.

The top stock holdings of WADE G W & INC are AGG, AAPL, AGZD. The fund has invested 4.8% of it's portfolio in ISHARES TR and 4.6% of portfolio in APPLE INC.

The fund managers got completely rid off NEXTGEN HEALTHCARE INC (NXGN), INVESCO EXCHANGE TRADED FD T (CSD) and RAPID7 INC (RPD) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in ISHARES TR (AAXJ), VANGUARD WORLD FDS (VAW) and 3M CO (MMM). WADE G W & INC opened new stock positions in FIDELITY MERRIMACK STR TR (FBND), FIDELITY COVINGTON TRUST (FBCG) and CAVA GROUP INC. The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to COLUMBIA ETF TR II (ECON), ISHARES TR (AGG) and J P MORGAN EXCHANGE TRADED F (BBAX).

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
fidelity merrimack str tr13,397,000
fidelity covington trust3,406,000
cava group inc1,289,000
ishares tr1,263,000
morgan stanley etf trust1,250,000
cambridge bancorp851,000
d r horton inc634,000
cintas corp633,000

New stocks bought by WADE G W & INC


Ticker% Inc.
columbia etf tr ii745
ishares tr379
j p morgan exchange traded f246
j p morgan exchange traded f166
select sector spdr tr165
select sector spdr tr156
select sector spdr tr139
lam research corp129

Additions to existing portfolio by WADE G W & INC


Ticker% Reduced
ishares tr-46.62
vanguard world fds-43.95
3m co-39.55
lauder estee cos inc-37.03
fedex corp-36.43
paypal hldgs inc-32.63
ishares tr-28.9
international paper co-27.62

WADE G W & INC reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
nextgen healthcare inc-7,040,000
foghorn therapeutics inc-539,000
invesco exchange traded fd t-3,157,000
aegon n v-297,000
rapid7 inc-2,494,000
precision biosciences inc-5,000
snap inc-123,000
activision blizzard inc-1,120,000

WADE G W & INC got rid off the above stocks

WADE G W & INC Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.

Current Stock Holdings of WADE G W & INC

Last Reported on: 08 Feb, 2024
TickerNamesorted ascending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions