ArchPoint Investors has about 43.6% of it's holdings in Others sector.
Sector | % |
Others | 43.6 |
Consumer Cyclical | 15.4 |
Communication Services | 14.2 |
Energy | 12.6 |
Industrials | 4.9 |
Healthcare | 4.4 |
Technology | 3.8 |
ArchPoint Investors has about 42.1% of it's portfolio invested in the large-cap and mega-cap stocks.
Category | % |
MEGA-CAP | 25.2 |
LARGE-CAP | 16.9 |
SMALL-CAP | 14.3 |
About 41.4% of the stocks held by ArchPoint Investors either belong to S&P 500 or RUSSELL 2000 index.
Index | % |
Others | 58.6 |
S&P 500 | 32.7 |
RUSSELL 2000 | 8.7 |
This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.
ArchPoint Investors has 68 stocks in it's portfolio. About 59.1% of the portfolio is in top 10 stocks. GOOG proved to be the most loss making stock for the portfolio. LZB was the most profitable stock for ArchPoint Investors last quarter.
Ticker | Namesorted ascending | % Portfolio | Shares Held | $ Value | Type | % Change | Options | |
AAPL | apple inc | 0.12 | 1,586 | 369,538 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
ABCL | abcellera biologics inc | 0.10 | 115,055 | 299,143 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
ACES | alps etf tr | 0.73 | 46,325 | 2,183,300 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
ACSI | tidal etf tr | 0.76 | 54,566 | 2,277,040 | reduced | -6.22 | ||
ACSI | tidal etf tr | 0.39 | 52,520 | 1,157,280 | added | 11.16 | ||
ACT | advisorshares tr | 0.09 | 37,050 | 265,649 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
AFK | vaneck etf trust | 0.12 | 6,535 | 356,811 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
AGZD | wisdomtree tr | 0.38 | 12,175 | 1,142,020 | reduced | -11.62 | ||
AMZN | amazon com inc | 6.12 | 98,300 | 18,316,200 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
AOA | ishares tr | 0.18 | 2,450 | 539,123 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
BABA | alibaba group hldg ltd | 0.21 | 5,961 | 632,581 | reduced | -62.51 | ||
BIL | spdr ser tr | 1.09 | 24,933 | 3,279,190 | reduced | -8.78 | ||
BIL | spdr ser tr | 0.99 | 29,875 | 2,951,650 | reduced | -32.85 | ||
BLND | blend labs inc | 0.05 | 38,308 | 143,655 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
BNDW | vanguard scottsdale fds | 0.20 | 7,700 | 611,534 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
BOB | ea series trust | 2.49 | 217,629 | 7,444,800 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
CMI | cummins inc | 0.54 | 5,000 | 1,618,950 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
CPNG | coupang inc | 0.16 | 20,000 | 491,000 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
CSCO | cisco sys inc | 2.33 | 131,075 | 6,975,810 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
CVX | chevron corp new | 0.96 | 19,610 | 2,887,960 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||