
Latest Resource Planning Group Stock Portfolio

About Resource Planning Group and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Resource Planning Group reported an equity portfolio of $157.3 Millions as of 31 Dec, 2023.

The top stock holdings of Resource Planning Group are AGG, BIV, VOO. The fund has invested 12% of it's portfolio in ISHARES TR and 10.2% of portfolio in VANGUARD BD INDEX FDS.

The fund managers got completely rid off VANGUARD SCOTTSDALE FDS (BNDW) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in SCHWAB STRATEGIC TR (FNDA), ISHARES TR (AGG) and SPDR INDEX SHS FDS (CWI). Resource Planning Group opened new stock positions in ISHARES TR (IBCE), DIMENSIONAL ETF TRUST (DFAC) and ISHARES TR (AMPS). The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to DIMENSIONAL ETF TRUST (DFAC), VANGUARD INDEX FDS (VOO) and VANGUARD CHARLOTTE FDS (BNDX).

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
ishares tr2,546,480
dimensional etf trust2,545,290
ishares tr2,527,700
dimensional etf trust2,520,460
dimensional etf trust2,259,790
dimensional etf trust1,127,500
ishares tr1,113,740
dimensional etf trust1,106,530

New stocks bought by Resource Planning Group


Ticker% Inc.
dimensional etf trust1,639
vanguard index fds711
vanguard charlotte fds186
vanguard bd index fds49.84
ishares tr42.29
vanguard tax-managed fds20.67
pepsico inc3.97
apple inc1.75

Additions to existing portfolio by Resource Planning Group


Ticker% Reduced
schwab strategic tr-32.82
ishares tr-31.39
spdr index shs fds-30.81
schwab strategic tr-30.07
unified ser tr-27.91
spdr ser tr-26.68
vanguard index fds-25.36
vanguard index fds-25.11

Resource Planning Group reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
vanguard scottsdale fds-255,799

Resource Planning Group got rid off the above stocks

Resource Planning Group Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.

Current Stock Holdings of Resource Planning Group

Last Reported on: 10 Jan, 2024
TickerNamesorted ascending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions