Latest OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund Stock Portfolio
About OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings
In it's latest 13F Holdings report, OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund reported an equity portfolio of $22.4 Millions as of 31 Mar, 2024.
The top stock holdings of OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund are AMPS, GNL. The fund has invested 61.9% of it's portfolio in ISHARES TR and 38.1% of portfolio in GLOBAL NET LEASE INC.
New Buys
No new stocks were added by OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund
No additions were made to existing positions by OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund
None of the existing positions were reduced by OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund
Sold off
None of the stocks were completely sold off by OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund
OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund Holdings Map
This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.
Current Stock Holdings of OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund