
Latest Windsor Group LTD Stock Portfolio

About Windsor Group LTD and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

Windsor Group LTD is a hedge fund based in INDIANAPOLIS, IN. On 20-Mar-2023, the fund reported that it had an AUM (Regulated Assets under Management) of $1.4 Billions. In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Windsor Group LTD reported an equity portfolio of $546.1 Millions as of 30 Sep, 2023.

The top stock holdings of Windsor Group LTD are AGG, AGG, AGG. The fund has invested 8.2% of it's portfolio in ISHARES TR and 7% of portfolio in ISHARES TR.

The fund managers got completely rid off AMERICAN EXPRESS CO (AXP), WALMART INC (WMT) and LABORATORY CORP AMER HLDGS (LH) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in ISHARES TR (AGG), VANGUARD SCOTTSDALE FDS (BNDW) and ALPHABET INC (GOOG). Windsor Group LTD opened new stock positions in GOLDMAN SACHS ETF TR (GBIL). The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to INVESCO EXCHANGE TRADED FD T (CSD), VICTORY PORTFOLIOS II (CDC) and J P MORGAN EXCHANGE TRADED F (BBAX).

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
goldman sachs etf tr212,000

New stocks bought by Windsor Group LTD


Ticker% Inc.
invesco exchange traded fd t400
victory portfolios ii67.38
j p morgan exchange traded f23.00
coca cola co19.36
fidelity merrimack str tr16.45
goldman sachs etf tr15.92
pacer fds tr15.83
vanguard index fds15.49

Additions to existing portfolio by Windsor Group LTD


Ticker% Reduced
ishares tr-51.85
vanguard scottsdale fds-42.18
ishares tr-34.07
ishares tr-24.64
alphabet inc-23.6
amazon com inc-20.89
disney walt co-17.59
nvidia corporation-13.02

Windsor Group LTD reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
wisdomtree tr-211,000
ishares tr-206,000
ge healthcare technologies i-201,000
american express co-310,000
airbnb inc-218,000
walmart inc-254,000
laboratory corp amer hldgs-242,000
salesforce inc-241,000

Windsor Group LTD got rid off the above stocks

Windsor Group LTD Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.

Current Stock Holdings of Windsor Group LTD

Last Reported on: 24 Oct, 2023
TickerNamesorted ascending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions