Vida Ventures Advisors, LLC has about 56% of it's holdings in Healthcare sector.
Sector | % |
Healthcare | 56 |
Others | 44 |
Vida Ventures Advisors, LLC has about 0% of it's portfolio invested in the large-cap and mega-cap stocks.
Category | % |
SMALL-CAP | 47.6 |
MID-CAP | 6.6 |
MICRO-CAP | 1.8 |
About 9.2% of the stocks held by Vida Ventures Advisors, LLC either belong to S&P 500 or RUSSELL 2000 index.
Index | % |
Others | 90.8 |
RUSSELL 2000 | 9.2 |
This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.
Vida Ventures Advisors, LLC has 6 stocks in it's portfolio. DYN proved to be the most loss making stock for the portfolio. CNTA was the most profitable stock for Vida Ventures Advisors, LLC last quarter.
Last Reported on: 21 Jan, 2025Ticker | Namesorted descending | % Portfolio | Shares Held | $ Value | Type | % Change | Options | |
CNTA | centessa pharmaceuticals plc | 45.01 | 3,931,820 | 65,858,000 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
Historical Trend of CENTESSA PHARMACEUTICALS PLC Position Held By Vida Ventures Advisors, LLCWhat % of Portfolio is CNTA?:Number of CNTA shares held:Change in No. of Shares Held: | ||||||||
tectonic therapeutics, inc. | 32.46 | 1,028,670 | 47,493,900 | unchanged | 0.00 | |||
kyverna therapeutics, inc. | 11.56 | 4,523,920 | 16,919,500 | unchanged | 0.00 | |||
DYN | dyne therapeutics, inc. | 6.56 | 407,499 | 9,600,680 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
ALLO | allogene therapeutics, inc. | 2.62 | 1,798,160 | 3,830,090 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||
KRON | kronos bio, inc. | 1.79 | 2,765,310 | 2,627,050 | unchanged | 0.00 | ||