Latest Coury Firm Asset Management LLC Stock Portfolio


About Coury Firm Asset Management LLC and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Coury Firm Asset Management LLC reported an equity portfolio of $62.6 Millions as of 30 Sep, 2023.

The top stock holdings of Coury Firm Asset Management LLC are AGG, AGG, SPY. The fund has invested 22% of it's portfolio in ISHARES TR and 22% of portfolio in ISHARES TR.

The fund managers got completely rid off ISHARES TR (AAXJ), VANGUARD SCOTTSDALE FDS (BNDW) and SELECT SECTOR SPDR TR (XLB) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in ISHARES TR (AGG), SPDR SER TR (BIL) and EMCOR GROUP INC (EME). Coury Firm Asset Management LLC opened new stock positions in DIREXION SHS ETF TR (BRZU), VISA INC (V) and JOHNSON & JOHNSON (JNJ). The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to AMAZON COM INC (AMZN), MCDONALDS CORP (MCD) and META PLATFORMS INC (META).
Coury Firm Asset Management LLC Equity Portfolio Value
Last Reported on: 13 Nov, 2023
60M75M90M105M120M135M2022AprJulOct2023AprJulOct30 Sep, 202362.58M62.58M

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
direxion shs etf tr1,656,160
direxion shs etf tr1,656,160
visa inc376,896
visa inc376,896
johnson & johnson324,301
johnson & johnson324,301
salesforce inc314,917
salesforce inc314,917

New stocks bought by Coury Firm Asset Management LLC

Additions to existing portfolio by Coury Firm Asset Management LLC


Ticker% Reduced
ishares tr-34.03
ishares tr-34.03
spdr ser tr-22.58
spdr ser tr-22.58
emcor group inc-18.29
emcor group inc-18.29
ishares tr-15.01
ishares tr-15.01

Coury Firm Asset Management LLC reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
vanguard scottsdale fds-1,122,730
vanguard scottsdale fds-1,122,730
ishares tr-1,334,050
ishares tr-1,334,050
ishares tr-1,246,790
ishares tr-1,246,790
ishares tr-598,695
ishares tr-598,695

Coury Firm Asset Management LLC got rid off the above stocks

Coury Firm Asset Management LLC Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.


Current Stock Holdings of Coury Firm Asset Management LLC

Last Reported on: 13 Nov, 2023
TickerNamesorted descending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions

Historical Trend of ISHARES TR Position Held By Coury Firm Asset Management LLC

What % of Portfolio is AGG?:

No data available

Number of AGG shares held:

No data available

Change in No. of Shares Held:

No data available