Latest Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD Stock Portfolio

About Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTDA. reported an equity portfolio of $3.5 Billions as of 31 Dec, 2024.

The top stock holdings of Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTDA. are IJR, ACWV, MELI. The fund has invested 3.8% of it's portfolio in ISHARES TR and 2.8% of portfolio in ISHARES INC.

The fund managers got completely rid off PAYPAL HLDGS INC (PYPL), AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC (A) and TARGET CORP (TGT) stocks. Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTDA. opened new stock positions in ISHARES TR (IJR) and ISHARES INC (ACWV). The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to MERCADOLIBRE INC (MELI).

Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD Annual Return Estimates Vs S&P 500

20240246810Performance (%)Performance

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
ishares tr135,100,000
ishares inc99,870,000
centrais eletricas brasileir8,762,000

New stocks bought by Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD


Ticker% Inc.
itau unibanco hldg s a377
mercadolibre inc0.00

Additions to existing portfolio by Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD


None of the existing positions were reduced by Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
vale s a-706,909
stoneco ltd -539,354
pilgrims pride corp -681,540
paypal hldgs inc-1,035,850
fortinet inc-937,580
merck & co inc-907,345
agilent technologies inc-994,816
kimberly-clark corp-911,304

Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD got rid off the above stocks

Sector Distribution


Market Cap. Distribution


Stocks belong to which Index?

Top 5 Winners (%)%
Top 5 Winners ($)$
Top 5 Losers (%)%
mercadolibre inc
-13.2 %
ishares tr
-0.9 %
Top 5 Losers ($)$
ishares tr
-1.2 M
mercadolibre inc
0.0 M

Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.


Current Stock Holdings of Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD

Last Reported on: 24 Jan, 2025
TickerNamesorted descending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions

Historical Trend of ITAU UNIBANCO HLDG S A Position Held By Vinland Capital Management Gestora de Recursos LTD

What % of Portfolio is ITUB?:

No data available

Number of ITUB shares held:

No data available

Change in No. of Shares Held:

No data available