
Latest Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC Stock Portfolio

About Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC reported an equity portfolio of $92.6 Millions as of 31 Dec, 2023.

The top stock holdings of Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC are AAPL, MSFT, NVDA. The fund has invested 12.4% of it's portfolio in APPLE INC and 12.3% of portfolio in MICROSOFT CORP.

The fund managers got completely rid off WASTE CONNECTIONS INC (WCN), XCEL ENERGY INC (XEL) and OTIS WORLDWIDE CORP (OTIS) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in HCA HEALTHCARE INC (HCA), ECOLAB INC (ECL) and WASTE MGMT INC DEL (WM). Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC opened new stock positions in ALPHABET INC (GOOG), TESLA INC (TSLA) and BROADCOM INC (AVGO).

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
alphabet inc3,241,090
tesla inc2,803,600
broadcom inc2,023,760
comcast corp new730,366
lowes cos inc521,880
american tower corp new407,092
eaton corp plc392,296

New stocks bought by Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC


No additions were made to existing positions by Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC


Ticker% Reduced
hca healthcare inc-90.31
ecolab inc-89.18
waste mgmt inc del-89.09
amgen inc-83.37
welltower inc-79.45
humana inc-77.96
pfizer inc-71.84
servicenow inc-68.16

Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
chargepoint holdings inc-615,768
sofi technologies inc-944,050
new york cmnty bancorp inc-1,147,810
enovix corporation-931,248
bloom energy corp-616,457
xcel energy inc-2,107,050
nisource inc-877,621
energy recovery inc-746,444

Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC got rid off the above stocks

Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.

Current Stock Holdings of Tilt Investment Management Holdings, PBC

Last Reported on: 31 Jan, 2024
TickerNamesorted ascending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions