
Latest TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC Stock Portfolio

About TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC reported an equity portfolio of $2.3 Billions as of 30 Sep, 2023.

The top stock holdings of TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC are AGG, AGG, BIL. The fund has invested 15% of it's portfolio in ISHARES TR and 11.1% of portfolio in ISHARES TR.

The fund managers got completely rid off SIMPLY GOOD FOODS CO (SMPL), ISHARES TR (AAXJ) and SCHWAB STRATEGIC TR (FNDA) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in ISHARES INC (EMGF), VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC (VZ) and ISHARES TR (AMPS). TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC opened new stock positions in NEW RELIC INC (NEWR), BROADSTONE NET LEASE INC (BNL) and GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP INC (GS). The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to MIMEDX GROUP INC (MDXG), ELI LILLY & CO (LLY) and MERCK & CO INC (MRK).

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
new relic inc35,279,100
broadstone net lease inc8,176,760
goldman sachs group inc7,796,520
vanguard bd index fds1,996,710
bank america corp918,915
citizens finl group inc751,552
ralph lauren corp673,349
vanguard scottsdale fds497,493

New stocks bought by TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC


Ticker% Inc.
mimedx group inc987
eli lilly & co832
merck & co inc163
j p morgan exchange traded f154
novo-nordisk a s95.91
tesla inc95.48
philip morris intl inc94.12
johnson & johnson93.34

Additions to existing portfolio by TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC


Ticker% Reduced
ishares inc-54.77
verizon communications inc-44.81
ishares tr-35.33
ishares tr-30.29
ishares tr-28.27
vanguard scottsdale fds-28.16
pepsico inc-27.81
schwab strategic tr-23.4

TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
simply good foods co-65,510,400
ishares tr-13,123,500
flotek inds inc del-113,770
accel entertainment inc-228,497
playa hotels & resorts nv-157,883
i3 verticals inc-428,625
spdr ser tr-497,705
schwab strategic tr-947,402

TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC got rid off the above stocks


This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.

Current Stock Holdings of TIEDEMANN ADVISORS, LLC

Last Reported on: 14 Nov, 2023
TickerNamesorted ascending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions