
Latest Nine27 Capital Management, LP Stock Portfolio

About Nine27 Capital Management, LP and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Nine27 Capital Management, LP reported an equity portfolio of $60.2 Millions as of 30 Sep, 2023.

The top stock holdings of Nine27 Capital Management, LP are SPY, SBUX, DLTR. The fund has invested 17.7% of it's portfolio in SPDR S&P 500 ETF TR and 15.2% of portfolio in STARBUCKS CORP.

The fund managers got completely rid off WENDYS CO (WEN), ROSS STORES INC (ROST) and SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY INC (SITE) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in DOLLAR TREE INC (DLTR), SPDR S&P 500 ETF TR (SPY) and CHEWY INC (CHWY). Nine27 Capital Management, LP opened new stock positions in STARBUCKS CORP (SBUX), HOME DEPOT INC (HD) and ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC (AAP).

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
starbucks corp9,127,000
home depot inc6,043,200
advance auto parts inc5,593,000
target corp5,528,500
dollar gen corp new5,290,000
overstock com inc del2,689,400
shake shack inc2,322,800
burlington stores inc2,029,500

New stocks bought by Nine27 Capital Management, LP


No additions were made to existing positions by Nine27 Capital Management, LP


Ticker% Reduced
dollar tree inc-48.00
spdr s&p 500 etf tr-37.5
chewy inc-2.22

Nine27 Capital Management, LP reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
wendys co-17,400,000
sally beauty hldgs inc-3,087,500
qurate retail inc-170,475
levi strauss & co new-2,164,500
ross stores inc-16,819,500
carters inc-9,075,000
expedia group inc-13,126,800
siteone landscape supply inc-16,736,000

Nine27 Capital Management, LP got rid off the above stocks

Nine27 Capital Management, LP Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.

Current Stock Holdings of Nine27 Capital Management, LP

Last Reported on: 14 Nov, 2023
TickerNamesorted ascending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions