
Latest Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC Stock Portfolio

Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC Performance:
2024 Q3: -7.44%YTD: 9.02%

Performance for 2024 Q3 is -7.44%, and YTD is 9.02%.

About Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC reported an equity portfolio of $198 Millions as of 30 Sep, 2024.

The top stock holdings of Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC are , NSSC, . The fund has invested 19.2% of it's portfolio in INMODE LTD and 14.4% of portfolio in NAPCO SEC TECHNOLOGIES INC.

The fund managers got completely rid off LIBERTY MEDIA CORP DEL (BATRA) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in DAVITA INC (DVA). Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC opened new stock positions in SIRIUSXM HOLDINGS INC. The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to NAPCO SEC TECHNOLOGIES INC (NSSC), PACIRA BIOSCIENCES INC (PCRX) and INMODE LTD.

Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC Annual Return Estimates Vs S&P 500

Our best estimate is that Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC made a return of -7.44% in the last quarter. In trailing 12 months, it's portfolio return was 20.83%.

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
siriusxm holdings inc27,396,100

New stocks bought by Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC


Ticker% Inc.
napco sec technologies inc254
pacira biosciences inc74.65
banco bradesco s a12.24
inmode ltd11.34
hingham instn svgs mass5.02

Additions to existing portfolio by Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC


Ticker% Reduced
davita inc-78.98

Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
liberty media corp del-22,781,400
liberty media corp del-1,772,000

Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC got rid off the above stocks

Sector Distribution

Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC has about 56.1% of it's holdings in Others sector.


Market Cap. Distribution

Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC has about 10.6% of it's portfolio invested in the large-cap and mega-cap stocks.


Stocks belong to which Index?

About 44% of the stocks held by Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC either belong to S&P 500 or RUSSELL 2000 index.

RUSSELL 200033.4
S&P 50010.6
Top 5 Winners (%)%
davita inc
10.3 %
Top 5 Winners ($)$
davita inc
7.2 M
Top 5 Losers (%)%
pacira biosciences inc
-34.0 %
napco sec technologies inc
-23.6 %
Top 5 Losers ($)$
pacira biosciences inc
-13.6 M
napco sec technologies inc
-8.9 M

Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.

Current Stock Holdings of Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC

Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC has 7 stocks in it's portfolio. PCRX proved to be the most loss making stock for the portfolio. DVA was the most profitable stock for Doma Perpetual Capital Management LLC last quarter.

Last Reported on: 14 Nov, 2024
TickerNamesorted ascending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions