Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a preclinical-stage pharmaceutical company, develops various drug-delivery systems and drug-releasing technologies focused on advancing non-opioid and non-addictive pain management treatments and treatments for central nervous system disorders. Its preclinical stage product candidates include Epoladerm, a topical spray film delivery technology for osteoarthritis pain; Probudur, an injectable local anesthetic liposomal gel technology for postoperative pain management; and Envelta, a nanotechnology-based intranasal spray drug product candidate that enables the delivery of a metabolically labile peptide drug into the brain. The company's preclinical stage product candidates also comprise PES200, which enables the delivery of a metabolically labile peptide drug into the brain; AnQlar, an anti-viral barrier to prevent or reduce the risk or the intensity of viral infections in humans, including influenza and SARS-CoV-2; and NobrXiol, an investigational formulation to be delivered via the nasal route to enhance cannabidiol transport to the brain. Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. was founded in 2016 and is headquartered in Berwyn, Pennsylvania.
Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Frequently Asked Questions
What is the ticker symbol for Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.? What does VRPX stand for in stocks?
VRPX is the stock ticker symbol of Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.. Every public company that trades on a stock exchange gets a ticker symbol.
What is the market capital of Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (VRPX)?
As of Fri Jan 31 2025, market cap of Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is 1.52 Million. The market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the stock price with the number of shares outstanding.
What is the fair value of VRPX stock?
You can check VRPX's fair value in chart for subscribers.
Is Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. a good stock to buy?
The fair value guage provides a quick view whether VRPX is over valued or under valued. Whether Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is cheap or expensive depends on the assumptions which impact Virpax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.'s fair value. We provide several scenarios of inflation and growth to encompass these range of assumptions for VRPX.
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