
Latest Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC Stock Portfolio

Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC Performance:
2024 Q3: 6.56%YTD: 2.06%2023: -0.57%

Performance for 2024 Q3 is 6.56%, and YTD is 2.06%, and 2023 is -0.57%.

About Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC reported an equity portfolio of $346.9 Millions as of 30 Sep, 2024.

The top stock holdings of Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC are FCNCA, OVLY, PLBC. The fund has invested 3.7% of it's portfolio in FIRST CITIZENS BANCSHARES INC/ and 2.8% of portfolio in OAK VALLEY BANCORP.

The fund managers got completely rid off MACATAWA BANK CORP (MCBC), BAY COMMUNITY BANCORP and FIRST COMMUNITY BANKSHARES INC (FCBC) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in COMMUNITY WEST BANCSHARES and PREMIER FINANCIAL CORP (PFC). Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC opened new stock positions in WINTRUST FINANCIAL CORP (WTFC), MERCHANTS BANCORP/IN (MBIN) and MISSION VALLEY BANCORP/SUN VAL. The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to FFD FINANCIAL CORP, FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANCORP/LO (FMCB) and FIRST CAPITAL INC (FCAP).

Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC Annual Return Estimates Vs S&P 500

Our best estimate is that Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC made a return of 6.56% in the last quarter. In trailing 12 months, it's portfolio return was 8.47%.

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
wintrust financial corp5,238,090
merchants bancorp/in822,318
mission valley bancorp/sun val371,500
morris state bancshares inc102,500
first berlin bancorp inc17,867

New stocks bought by Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC


Ticker% Inc.
ffd financial corp3,087
farmers & merchants bancorp/lo257
community bancorp of santa mar194
jd bancshares inc90.79
private bancorp of america inc88.05
studio financial holdings inc38.77
embassy bancorp inc26.63
century financial corp/ma24.67

Additions to existing portfolio by Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC


Ticker% Reduced
community west bancshares-20.66
fentura financial inc-17.88
premier financial corp-6.02
summit bancshares inc/ca-5.46

Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
macatawa bank corp-5,143,550
bay community bancorp-3,132,480
first community bankshares inc-949,183
lakeland bancorp inc0.00
open lending corp0.00
wayne savings bancshares inc0.00

Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC got rid off the above stocks

Sector Distribution

Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC has about 56% of it's holdings in Others sector.

Financial Services44

Market Cap. Distribution

Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC has about 2.6% of it's portfolio invested in the large-cap and mega-cap stocks.


Stocks belong to which Index?

About 33.6% of the stocks held by Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC either belong to S&P 500 or RUSSELL 2000 index.

RUSSELL 200028.3
S&P 5005.3
Top 5 Winners (%)%
village bank and trust financi
70.3 %
finwise bancorp
52.8 %
columbia banking system inc
31.3 %
valley national bancorp
29.8 %
provident financial services i
29.3 %
Top 5 Winners ($)$
plumas bancorp
1.1 M
enterprise bancorp inc/ma
1.0 M
columbia banking system inc
1.0 M
southern missouri bancorp inc
0.9 M
five star bancorp
0.8 M
Top 5 Losers (%)%
first horizon corp
-1.5 %
Top 5 Losers ($)$
first horizon corp
-0.1 M

Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.

Current Stock Holdings of Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC

Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC has 107 stocks in it's portfolio. About 23.7% of the portfolio is in top 10 stocks. FHN proved to be the most loss making stock for the portfolio. PLBC was the most profitable stock for Siena Capital Partners GP, LLC last quarter.

Last Reported on: 12 Nov, 2024
TickerNamesorted ascending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions