Latest Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC Stock Portfolio

Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC Performance:
2024 Q4: 0.13%YTD: 5.68%

Performance for 2024 Q4 is 0.13%, and YTD is 5.68%.

About Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC reported an equity portfolio of $135.7 Millions as of 31 Dec, 2024.

The top stock holdings of Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC are IJR, BOB, BIL. The fund has invested 16.9% of it's portfolio in ISHARES CORE S&P 500 ETF IV and 9.8% of portfolio in ASTORIA US EQUAL WT QLT KINGS ETF.

The fund managers got completely rid off INVSC BULLETSHAR 2024 CRPRT BND ETF (BSAE), J P MORGAN NASDAQ EQT PRM INC ETF and JPMORGAN INCOME ETF (BBAX) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in WSDMTR EMRGNG MKT QLT DIV GWTH ETF (AGZD), ISHARES MSCI USA MIN VOLFCTR ETF (AMPS) and EXXON MOBIL CORP (XOM). Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC opened new stock positions in ASTORIA US QUALITY GROWTH KINGS ETF (BOB), CHUBB LTD F (CB) and GREEN THUMB INDS INC F (GTBIF). The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to TRUMP MEDIA & TECHNO (DWAC), SPDR PORTFOLIO S&P 500 ETF (BIL) and ISHARES CORE MSCI EMERGING ETF (EMGF).

Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC Annual Return Estimates Vs S&P 500

Our best estimate is that Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC made a return of 0.13% in the last quarter. In trailing 12 months, it's portfolio return was 5.68%.
20240510152025Performance (%)PerformanceS&P 500

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
astoria us quality growth kings etf4,660,960
chubb ltd f247,841
green thumb inds inc f237,812
epr pptys reit222,796
sap se ordf133,004
biomarin pharmaceutical61,523
trulieve cannabis corp f58,397
grayscale bitcoin mini trust etf41,870

New stocks bought by Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC


Ticker% Inc.
trump media & techno52,333
spdr portfolio s&p 500 etf27,288
ishares core msci emerging etf1,024
invesco ai ad next gen sftwe etf724
ishares currency hedg msci eafe etf360
ishares us infrastructure etf342
ishares flexible incme active etf335
ishs us eqty factr rotatn act etf218

Additions to existing portfolio by Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC


Ticker% Reduced
wsdmtr emrgng mkt qlt div gwth etf-98.03
ishares msci usa min volfctr etf-67.34
exxon mobil corp-62.93
jpmorgan equity premium income etf-53.93
ishares msci usa qlty fact etf-53.14
allstate corp-50.00
discover finl svcs-50.00
lands end inc new-49.43

Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
invsc bulletshar 2024 crprt bnd etf-1,100,380
invesco bletshs 2024 mnpl bnd etf-967,497
jpmorgan income etf-65,410
j p morgan nasdaq eqt prm inc etf-66,795
ishrs 0-5 year inv grd crprat etf-41,100
vanguard total international bnd etf-12,972
armco metals hldgs xxxregistration revoked by the sec eff: 02/14/200.00
riot platforms inc-1,017

Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC got rid off the above stocks

Sector Distribution

Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC has about 85.7% of it's holdings in Others sector.


Market Cap. Distribution

Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC has about 7.1% of it's portfolio invested in the large-cap and mega-cap stocks.


Stocks belong to which Index?

About 13.9% of the stocks held by Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC either belong to S&P 500 or RUSSELL 2000 index.

S&P 5007.1
RUSSELL 20006.8
Top 5 Winners (%)%
coherent corp
969.4 %
sofi technologies inc
95.9 %
peloton interactive inc
85.9 %
cardiff oncology inc
62.5 %
american airls group inc
55.1 %
Top 5 Winners ($)$
ishares core s&p 500 etf iv
0.4 M
ishares msci usa min volfctr etf
0.4 M
apple inc
0.1 M
tesla inc
0.1 M
AMZN inc
0.1 M
Top 5 Losers (%)%
seelos therapeutics inc
-92.3 %
lexicon pharmaceuticals
-53.0 %
newmont corp
-30.4 %
cvs health corp
-28.6 %
advanced micro device in
-26.4 %
Top 5 Losers ($)$
wisdomtree us qlt div grw etf
-0.4 M
wisdomtree inter hdg qlydiv grt etf
-0.1 M
ishares 20 pls year treasury bnd etf
-0.1 M
united parcel svc inc class b
-0.1 M
constellation energy cor
0.0 M

Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.


Current Stock Holdings of Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC

Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC has 387 stocks in it's portfolio. About 56.6% of the portfolio is in top 10 stocks. JAMF proved to be the most loss making stock for the portfolio. IJR was the most profitable stock for Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC last quarter.

Last Reported on: 14 Feb, 2025
TickerNamesorted descending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions

Historical Trend of ISHARES CORE S&P 500 ETF IV Position Held By Vermillion & White Wealth Management Group, LLC

What % of Portfolio is IJR?:

No data available

Number of IJR shares held:

No data available

Change in No. of Shares Held:

No data available