Latest Avondale Wealth Management Stock Portfolio

Avondale Wealth Management Performance:
2024 Q4: 2.08%YTD: 3.36%2023: 15.05%

Performance for 2024 Q4 is 2.08%, and YTD is 3.36%, and 2023 is 15.05%.

About Avondale Wealth Management and 13F Hedge Fund Stock Holdings

Avondale Wealth Management is a hedge fund based in AUSTIN, TX. On 30-Mar-2023, the fund reported that it had an AUM (Regulated Assets under Management) of $217 Millions. In it's latest 13F Holdings report, Avondale Wealth Management reported an equity portfolio of $156 Millions as of 31 Dec, 2024.

The top stock holdings of Avondale Wealth Management are IJR, IJR, QQQ. The fund has invested 21% of it's portfolio in ISHARES S&P 500 INDEX and 10.2% of portfolio in ISHARES CORE S&P MID CAP ETF.

The fund managers got completely rid off ISHARES RUSSELL 1000 VALUE ETF (IJR), WP CAREY INC COM (WPC) and SPDR SERIES TRUST S&P OIL GAS EXPL & PRODTN ETF (BIL) stocks. They significantly reduced their stock positions in FIDELITY WISE ORIGIN BITCOIN FUND, DIMENSIONAL US HIGH PROFITABILITY ETF (DFAC) and MICROSTRATEGY INC CL A NEW (MSTR). Avondale Wealth Management opened new stock positions in FIDELITY MSCI CONSUMER STAPLES INDEX ETF (FBCG), ARCHER AVIATION INC COM CL A (ACHR) and WESTERN MIDSTREAM PARTNERS LP COM UNIT LP INT (WES). The fund showed a lot of confidence in some stocks as they added substantially to ALPHA ARCHITECT 1-3 MONTH BOX ETF (BOB), COSTCO WHOLESALE CORP (COST) and MICROSOFT (MSFT).

Avondale Wealth Management Annual Return Estimates Vs S&P 500

Our best estimate is that Avondale Wealth Management made a return of 2.08% in the last quarter. In trailing 12 months, it's portfolio return was 3.36%.
201920202021202220232024−2002040Performance (%)PerformanceS&P 500

New Buys

Ticker$ Bought
fidelity msci consumer staples index etf5,180,080
archer aviation inc com cl a126,750
western midstream partners lp com unit lp int76,860
meta platforms inc cl a40,986
unitedhealth group inc com15,176
grayscale bitcoin mini trust etf5,234

New stocks bought by Avondale Wealth Management


Ticker% Inc.
alpha architect 1-3 month box etf379
costco wholesale corp326
vanguard consumer staples etf105
permian basin rty tr unit ben int100
ishares u.s. industrials etf100
ishares u.s. aerospace & defense etf81.94
procter and gamble co com64.1

Additions to existing portfolio by Avondale Wealth Management


Ticker% Reduced
fidelity wise origin bitcoin fund-96.21
dimensional us high profitability etf-83.75
microstrategy inc cl a new-75.00
joint corp com-63.22
ishares core s&p small cap etf-50.09
dropbox inc cl a-50.00
ark innovation etf-44.38
ark autonomous technology & robotics etf-44.35

Avondale Wealth Management reduced stake in above stock

Sold off

Ticker$ Sold
ishares global clean energy etf-17,628
wp carey inc com-62,300
ishares russell 1000 value etf-157,154
grayscale bitcoin mini trust (btc)-3,519
ark fintech innovation etf-12,823
spdr series trust s&p oil gas expl & prodtn etf-43,007
peloton interactive inc cl a com-468
newmont corp com0.00

Avondale Wealth Management got rid off the above stocks

Sector Distribution

Avondale Wealth Management has about 84.7% of it's holdings in Others sector.

Consumer Cyclical3.9
Consumer Defensive1.2

Market Cap. Distribution

Avondale Wealth Management has about 13.5% of it's portfolio invested in the large-cap and mega-cap stocks.


Stocks belong to which Index?

About 12.2% of the stocks held by Avondale Wealth Management either belong to S&P 500 or RUSSELL 2000 index.

S&P 50011
RUSSELL 20001.2
Top 5 Winners (%)%
archer aviation inc com cl a
136.7 %
palantir technologies inc cl a
100.2 %
microstrategy inc cl a new
71.8 %
united airls hldgs inc com
68.7 %
dutch bros inc cl a
57.4 %
Top 5 Winners ($)$
united airls hldgs inc com
0.8 M
invesco qqq trust series i
0.7 M
ishares s&p 500 index
0.7 M
palantir technologies inc cl a
0.6 M
tesla motors inc
0.4 M
Top 5 Losers (%)%
advanced micro devices inc com
-22.4 %
applied matls inc com
-19.5 %
ge aerospace com new
-11.6 %
unitedhealth group inc com
-10.9 %
ishares nasdaq biotechnology
-9.2 %
Top 5 Losers ($)$
advanced micro devices inc com
-0.4 M
ishares core u.s. aggregate bond etf
-0.3 M
draftkings inc new com cl a
-0.1 M
energy select sector spdr
-0.1 M
exxon mobil corp com
-0.1 M

Avondale Wealth Management Holdings Map

This heatmap illustrates the top 50 positions within the fund's portfolio.


Current Stock Holdings of Avondale Wealth Management

Avondale Wealth Management has 112 stocks in it's portfolio. About 73.7% of the portfolio is in top 10 stocks. AMD proved to be the most loss making stock for the portfolio. UAL was the most profitable stock for Avondale Wealth Management last quarter.

Last Reported on: 10 Jan, 2025
TickerNamesorted descending% PortfolioShares Held$ ValueType% ChangeOptions

Historical Trend of ISHARES S&P 500 INDEX Position Held By Avondale Wealth Management

What % of Portfolio is IJR?:

No data available

Number of IJR shares held:

No data available

Change in No. of Shares Held:

No data available